Jack Skellington Coffee Cozy
The Yarn: I knit this out of scrap acrylic. I had in a big bag with no labels on anything. I know the black yarn was Lion Brand Vanna's Choice in Black 153 because this was the yarn I was originally going to knit Emma's I-Matey Dog Sweater out of. The black yarn was slightly thicker than the white yarn - which made the black yarn a bit raised up in the end product - and I liked that. (Happy Accident!) The White yarn I think is Lion Brand Wool Ease in White Sparkle. Not sure about that - but that is my best guess. The finished cozy weights in around 19 grams - so I am guessing about 38 yards of white and around 6 yards of black.
The Needle: Knit on size US 7 Knit Picks Needles. This was knit flat and seamed up the back.
The Image: I started of
f by going to Google and doing an image search for Jack Skellington
Smile Faces. This took a bit of time to find just the right image. It
had to be really simple and translate well to a knit pattern. I finally
found one and saved it to my computer. (That would be the image on the left side here) Then I went to http://www.microrevolt.org/ and uploaded the image into the KnitPro
pattern generator. I chose the smallest size possible and Knit
Portrait. I saved the pattern it spit out into my computer and then
started knitting.
Cast On: I cast on 48 stitches using the Cable cast on method (see great video here on U Tube for directions on this - I was doing it wrong for years!) in the white yarn.
Row 1-4: Knit Across
Row 5 & all ODD rows up to row 31: K4, P40, K4
Row 6 & all even rows: Knit
Row 7: Begin incorporating the pattern on this row (The pattern begins on row 7 and ends on row 27)
Row 32-35: Knit
Bind off.
A work in progress on a messy desk!
The pattern began on Row 7 and ended on Row 27.
The first and last four rows are knit
The first and last four stitches of each row are knit.
Odd rows are purl, even rows are knit.
Inside out so you can see how it looks
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