Thursday, May 28, 2009
My new Favorite Emma Shot
Emma is 1 year old today!
In other news....
Tom starts his new job on Monday. I could probably right for a week on that - but I won't. At the moment he is outside building a Deck for Emma. Eventually we will put her house on it. We don't have a house yet - so for the time being it's just a pup deck.
In knitting news - Well. Not knitting much these days. I knit two rows on my scrap afghan in the last week or so. A row takes about 45 minutes to an hour depending. The yarn I am using right now is slippery and puffy - so I am a little worried I may have dropped a stitch in there somewhere. What evs.
This weekend we are taking Emma to the Charity Dogwash. That should be interesting. I am really happy Tom is off graveyard shifts so that we can do stuff like this together. If he was on the night shift I would have to go alone and I am a raging chicken shit - so mostly I would just get drunk and hang out in my house.
Joined Facebook this week. Just what I needed. Another addiction! ;) I posted a video of me singing to my dog. I am such a dork.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Our New Furr Baby!

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Totals and photos for the first row

Friday, March 27, 2009
Sometimes when you are feeling low the world smiles on you.

I was so touched! So I took a picture of it so I could post it up on ravelry as a proper thank you - and then put on my work out shoes and headed down to the treadmill. I completed my 16th square tonight - which means once I stitch them all together I will have completed my first row. 1/16th of the way to an afghan. Wow. I am tickled!
And now - off to a nice hot bubble bath and a glass of wine with my book. Awesome!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tombs of Endearment

Just finished this book today and have to say it was another fun read. I don't really understand why I like these books. The "Who Done it" is always predictable, the main character is slow to figure things out - AND YET I find myself really enjoying the books. I am quite anxious to read the next one in the series. I know it comes out sometime in 2009 - just not sure when. (Guess that's a pretty easy thing to figure out though. Amazon to the rescue!)
In other news - My 15th square on my treadmill is complete. Tomorrows square will be the last one in the first row. I am already hurting in the motivation department. I suppose that will be true with any lifestyle change. *sigh* I am just looking forward to a nice bath with a glass of wine and digging into my next book before I make dinner. I think tonight (unless Tom veto's my dinner plans) will be shrimp on a bed of linguine. We will see. Last night I had a salad and 20 soda crackers with butter. Cripes. I have to figure out how to feed myself better.
Also - I should maybe start another knitting project. I want to make so many things but with the 30-40 minutes of knitting on the tread mill everyday I find my motivation at night to start a new project is pretty nill. (Not to mention finishing a project I already have going. I am talking to YOU felted bowl that is not even half done!)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Photo's from Day 12